a Huntsville, Al wedding photographer , adventurer, foodie, coffee-drinker, and lover of light.

My secret superpower: spotting a Kate Spade bag from across the room. ♠️

i'm jessica

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First Look: A Bride’s Perspective

I love when a bride and groom choose to do a first look. LOVE it. I love the intimacy, the emotion, the tangibility of what they’re feeling and experiencing at that very moment. I love that I get to share it, and immortalize that moment so they can revisit it for years to come.

I can say that all day, and mean every word. But I think it would mean more coming from a bride. I got to experience Anjuli and Brian’s wedding with them in February, and I’m soo glad they chose to have a first look. I asked her to do a guest post for me, explaining how she felt on her wedding day, and talk about her first look experience. Thank you Anjuli for being such an amazing person, and sharing your insight with others!


My first look experience.
Prior to the wedding I did not want to see Brian.

I wanted everyone to experience the emotion with us, together, as we saw one another for the first time on our wedding day. As the wedding drew closer, I became a little concerned with my original plan. First, I knew I was going to cry.  I was walking myself down the aisle and Brian was going to meet me halfway so I knew I was really really going to cry. Second, we were pressed for time and it made a lot of sense to take pictures before the wedding. Last, I thought about it. I decided the first look moment is very special. This would be the first time that I would get to see my husband on my wedding day and I wanted it to be a private moment shared between Brian and I (and Jessica of course).

When the time came for me to see my husband for the first look all of my nerves went away. I knew that if I saw him alone before the wedding and had that time with him I would be able to calmly make it through the ceremony. I stepped out of the church and watched him standing there with his back towards me. He looked amazing and I got to experience him first! I walked up behind Brian and placed my arms around him. He turned around and we both got tears in our eyes. I was able to completely lose it and not worry about who else was watching. That moment was special and will always be very dear to my heart. I am thankful I chose to see him before I walked down the aisle.

After our first look session, I was able to relax a little. Now all I had to accomplish was walking down the aisle. I made it but still got emotional walking alone towards my groom.

I would recommend a first look to any bride-to-be. It’s a chance to step away from the stress of your wedding day and enjoy a real moment with your groom. You’ll have images capturing that precious time alone so you can always remember that moment and the joy you felt.


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